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Welcome to the music lab!

Collection of various tools related to sound in any form - from pure physics to the music theory. Let's experiment, discover, learn and have big fun.

Guitar chords

Here you found how to play selected chord on guitar (clasic, acoustic or electric). Define chord you want to play and you'll get schemes showing how to put fingers on fretboard below.

Searched chord and tuning

Put chord name here
Choose your tuning

Detected chord - summary

Detected chord
Alternative names
Played notes

Result - how to play selected chord on guitar

Example chords

Alternative tunings is a website where you can explore the enchating world of sounds and compositions. The site is divided into modules and categories which refers to diffrent aspects of sound world. Here you can find easy and useful tools for musicans (online guitar tuner) or get to know how to play chords that may seem difficult to play at first. You can also familiaraze with concepts of musical theory. If you are into technical issues, there is also a subpage about contruction of various musical instruments and how various sounds are generated. How about seeing graph of your own voice scale on oscillscope or spectrum analyzer? Take your time to discover things that you haven't known about music before. Listen carefully and enjoy!