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Collection of various tools related to sound in any form - from pure physics to the music theory. Let's experiment, discover, learn and have big fun.

Chord creator

The tool allows you to specify the name of the chord searching on the basis of these chord components. Notes can be entered by selecting it in the list of notes, fretboard or piano keyboard. You can also select the name of the chord from the list, and the program will display all its components and show them the diagram of fretboard or keyboard.

C dur
Prime note
IntervalPlayed noteNumber of semitones
Perfect unisonC0
Minor secondC#1
Major secondD2
Minor thirdD#3
Major thirdE4
Perfect fourthF5
Perfect fifthG7
Minor sixthG#8
Major sixthA9
Minor seventhB10
Major seventhH11
Perfect octaveC12
Minor ninthC#13
Major ninthD14
Minor tenthD#15
Major tenthE16
Perfect eleventhF17
Augmented eleventhF#18
Perfect twelfthG19
Minor thriteenthG#20
Major thirteenthA21
Minor fourteenthB22
Major fourteenthH23
Perfect fifeenth (double octave)C24

Example chords

How to use it?

In the middle of the screen we have the LCD display, which indicates searched chord name. Beneath there is a drop-down list, which allows you to specify the root of the chord sought. Below is a table of possible to add chord components. That table has four columns. The column "Interval" describes the name of the audio component, as an interval in relation to the root. The following collumn "Played note" is simply the name of the sound in the chromatic scale. "The number of halftone" is the numerical equivalent of the interval, expressed in semitones counted from the root. The last column is a checkbox that you need to select to turn on the note to the chord, which we want to create. When all components of the chord are marked, You will see the name of the chord on the screen.

How does it works?

Chord creator is based on the chords database of the chords. Every chord is a object, which has fields like possible chord names, intervals or note names. Entered names may be usually very different, because there are many naming conventions, so we use special filters to convert many possible inputs to one name readable for database. We also created a some kind of naming system, which takes into account case sensitive combinations of letters with their surroundings, so "C" will be recognized as C major, Cm as C minor, and "c" also as C minor. One set of notes can be interpreted as more than one chord (for example of chord inversions), so chords in database are ordered by popularity to indicate most popular chord from notes combination.

Do you know, that...?

  • Chord consists of minimum three diffrent notes.
  • Drum sounds can't be compononents of a chord. Chords can only consist of certain notes.
  • Chords contain tierces (thirds).
  • There are two type of chords- consonant chords and disonant chords.
  • Highest note define the position of chord. is a website where you can explore the enchating world of sounds and compositions. The site is divided into modules and categories which refers to diffrent aspects of sound world. Here you can find easy and useful tools for musicans (online guitar tuner) or get to know how to play chords that may seem difficult to play at first. You can also familiaraze with concepts of musical theory. If you are into technical issues, there is also a subpage about contruction of various musical instruments and how various sounds are generated. How about seeing graph of your own voice scale on oscillscope or spectrum analyzer? Take your time to discover things that you haven't known about music before. Listen carefully and enjoy!